Banda Aceh - Head of regional office of the ministry of religion of Aceh Province, Dr H Iqbal SAg MAg said really proud of directorate of teachers and education (GTK) of madrasah to conduct international symposium on education (ISOE 2022). This ISOE is the second event was conducted, start from 2021.
That supported was talk by Iqbal in Banda Aceh.
He said really proud of directorate of teachers and education (GTK) of madrasah, ministry of religion affair of the republic of indonesia that encouraged to conduct international symposium on education (ISOE 2022). This event will conduct on mai, 18 till 20 in 2022.
This standing conference bring the topic about "Digitizing education in the metaverse era"
"I would like to exspress my sincere appreciation to the organizer of the conference," he's said.
Hopully it could help every one of us to view technology that we have positively.
"So this event will be new spirit and motivation for madrasah in digital era and how to be good user," he's said again.[]